

Before I explain about balance, last night I had dinner with my good friend Laura at PF Changs. I hadnt been there in awhile, but everything tasted SO good. We split the lettuce wraps and then I got the lemon chicken dish with broccoli and brown rice. Oh and we also drank alot of wine. I only remembered to get a picture of the wine. Our waiter sold us on this wine tree so we could taste three different kinds, after we had already each had 2 glasses of our own. nice!This morning I had an english muffin with almond butter, sliced bananas, and a drizzle of honey.I was going to do an hour long run this morning, but had so much to do around the house and my hamstring still felt a little tight, so I am going to wait another day. Kevin and I are planning an hour run tomorrow AM!

So check out this picture, because it made me laugh (at myself). This pretty much explains ME in a nutshell. I just finished running a marathon and immediately proceed to stuff my face with pizza. But this time I was caught...and tried to hide behind a napkinHey - its all about having a good balance, right?! :)


Courtney October 18, 2008 at 4:15 PM  

Wine tree - cool! Would that look obnoxious at my dinner setting every night? Some things only work in restaurants :)

Hey, I hope that your Mom is feeling better - and that they made repairs to the bridge.

Anonymous October 18, 2008 at 6:05 PM  

I stuffed my face with pizza too after the marathon. How can you not. Have fun on the run tomorrow.

Aron October 19, 2008 at 12:31 AM  

LOL love it! i stuffed my face with pizza tonight and i hadnt even run a marathon :) just a long training run but still counts right?!

Anonymous October 19, 2008 at 2:16 PM  

You just finished running a marathon! I would have been eating a pizza too!

If it makes you feel better I stuffed my face with Chick Fil A after my 15k :) and I enjoyed every bite!

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